How Asphalt Crack Repair Can Benefit Property Management Companies

Asphalt Crack Filling, How Asphalt Crack Repair Can Benefit Property Management CompaniesProperty management companies can be large or small, manage only commercial or only multifamily properties, or focus on a single business district or neighborhood. However, regardless of the management company’s size or specialty, its clients expect it to safeguard their investments by attracting and retaining high-quality tenants, protecting the property, and generating a positive public image. Achieving all these goals can be made easier by being proactive about paving repairs, include the repair of any significant cracks.

How Asphalt Crack Repair Can Benefit Property Management Companies

What Is Considered a Significant Asphalt Crack?

Eventually, every asphalt pavement will develop cracks. Whether they are significant depends on various factors, including the size, location, and type of crack. Typically, hairline surface cracks are not considered significant, but cracks that are more than about a quarter of an inch in width or depth, lie in an area of high traffic, or grow longer or wider as the months pass are usually deemed significant.

Why Is Timely Crack Repair Important?

Asphalt pavement relies on a stable foundation for its flexibility as well as its strength. If water penetrates to the base layers, erosion can weaken the foundation. Major damage can result, and the structural integrity of the entire pavement could be irreparably compromised. Therefore, asphalt repair is essential for any significant break in the pavement, including cracks and potholes.

What Methods Are Used to Repair Cracks in Asphalt Pavement?

Asphalt contractors typically repair cracks by either filling or sealing them. Asphalt crack filling involves the introduction of a fill material into the crack; occasionally, the filler may extend onto the surrounding pavement, but it is usually confined within the crack. Asphalt crack sealing involves introducing a flexible material into the crack and onto the surrounding pavement. Of the two methods, crack filling is typically the more economical solution. However, since the type of crack can make one method preferable to the other, it is important to follow the recommendations of a trustworthy contractor.

What Else Should I Know About Asphalt Crack Repairs?

Crack repair should be included in your routine maintenance program. If possible, new cracks should be repaired every spring and every autumn. Your contractor should inspect previously repaired cracks to determine their integrity; even the best repair may not last until the end of your pavement’s life. Alligator cracks cannot be repaired by filling or sealing them. Alligator cracking is an indication that the foundation needs to be repaired, so your contractor will need to remove the damaged area, mend the foundation, and then install new asphalt. You can apply sealcoating over a repaired crack, but sealcoating will not completely obscure the repair. Furthermore, the possibility exists for chipping to occur in the sealcoating over the crack repair, so you may need to have the sealcoating touched up in between regular applications.

Let US Asphalt Maintenance Help You

US Asphalt Maintenance is a family owned business with more than 35 years of asphalt industry experience. We specialize in maintaining and repairing asphalt pavements, including parking lots, private streets, and public roadways. Our services in the Richmond area include sealcoating, crack repair, and parking lot striping and pavement markings. We have built an exemplary reputation by consistently delivering high-quality work in a courteous, professional manner. To request a free quote on a one-off project or a complete pavement management program, use the online form to contact us or call our office at 804-625-7325.

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